Mobile High Teas for Celebrations Anywhere

high tea mistress tea party Yarra Valley weddings

By Emma Bielharz

When you think high teas, you may think it’s an activity that your great-aunt and her cronies partake in with their vintage china sets, in between bingo and CWA meetings.

Well, think again. There’s a modern take on high teas that is here to stay (if we say so!). You can take high tea in a fancy hotel, but a celebration mobile high tea is a great choice any time of the day or week – a perfect option for an at-home wedding, or to bring the bride tribe together for a pre-wedding catch up. High-teaing with The High Tea Mistress is a unique, personalised experience that is all about you.

A mobile High Tea Mistress event gives you all the choice you need! Get creative with venues – your home, or chosen venue, a gorgeous park or scenic location. Emma can even recommend great partner venues with perfect settings for your special day.

And the venue is just one of the decisions you get to make! You can also choose the day, the duration of your event, menu selections and crockery to theme with your occasion. If you want an ALL chocolate High Tea, you can!


Personalise your wedding or event even further with styled furniture and accessories to create an overall experience – the atmosphere is just as important asthefood,teaand crockery.Whodoesn’twanttowatchasunsetatoparidge sipping tea on an ultra-comfy vintage lounge?

Here are some tips on how to host the ultimate Wedding High Tea.

Food Favourites

A selection of savoury and sweet menu options is recommended but you need to know your guests. A lot of elderly guests prefer savoury flavours, as do some cultures. Pieces should only be the size of one or two bites and be easy to cut (if necessary) and eat with a spoon or dessert fork. People eat with their eyes, so an array of beautifully decorated pieces in a variety of colours works well.

Perfect Pots of Tea

A great balance of black and herbal teas to complement the food menu is best. Teas can be served hot or iced – a great option in summer. High Tea Mistresses have completed Tea Training and are qualified to assist in pairing tea selections with your menu.

Creative and Professional Styling

Create spaces for that overall experience – from a high-end picnic, to a romantic candlelit dinner for two and any gathering in between. The surroundings create the mood for your event and High Tea Mistress stylists can make possible any theme or mood you want for your wedding.


High Teas are great events for helping guests get to know one another. Be it a bridal shower, rehearsal or catch-up dinner or wedding reception, a High Tea is a great way to connect people. Add a Flower Crown workshop – a popular choice for weddings and a great way to bring guests in on your theme. Tea Blending workshops, interactive High Tea Etiquette & History classes and Gin, Champagne and Whiskey masterclasses can also be included in your day.

And lastly,


  • RSVP, and be on time. It makes
  • the host’s job so much easier and means you’ll have the best possible experience.
  • Dress up. It is the perfect time to put on a fab outfit for the day (especially if it’s a wedding).
  • Have fun! Of course!


  • Over-indulge in alcohol. Think dress, heels, lots of glassware and delicate crockery.
  • Cross-contaminate serving utensils, and no dunking. No cream spoons in jam bowls!
  • Use a knife. Scones should be broken inhalfwithyourfingers.
  • Contrary to popular belief, it’s not proper etiquette to extend your pinkie finger when drinking tea!

A High Tea can be as chilled or as fancy as you like and might just be the perfect way to celebrate your big day!


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